Workshops - Call for Posters
July 9, 2025: Submission deadline
August 13, 2025: Final notification
August 27, 2025: Camera-ready
Warning: All deadlines expire at 23:59 PDT. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.
SVR 2025 will host five workshops with posters in the areas of virtual, augmented, and mixed realities: the Contest of Theses and Dissertations (CTD), the Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), the Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW), the Workshop of Works in Progress (WIP) and the Workshop of XR Experiences (WXE). Presenting a poster is a great opportunity to get feedback on ongoing or finished research/technology development. Manuscripts submitted to this track must be in English or Portuguese and must be prepared following the template available below. All submissions will pass through a single-blind review process by at least two experts on the topic of the work, and thus, all submitted manuscripts should NOT be anonymized.
All accepted submissions will be published in the SBC OpenLib. All accepted submissions must be presented at the conference. No-show submissions will not be included in the program and will not be published in the SBC OpenLib.
Submission Instructions
Authors must submit a short paper that should contain between 3 and 5 pages (including references). The submissions will be performed through the JEMS System in the “SVR 2025 – Workshops”. Each submission should be classified as one of the following categories:
1) Contest of Theses and Dissertations (CTD): a track focused on PhD/MSc works in VR/AR/MR defended between January 1st, 2024, and the CTD submission deadline.
2) Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD): a track focused on PhD/MSc works in VR/AR/MR that are in progress.
3) Workshop of Undergraduate Works (WUW): a track focused on works in VR/AR/MR that have as the first author an undergraduate student or a former undergraduate student who graduated after July 09, 2024.
4) Workshop of Works in Progress (WIP): a track focused on works in VR/AR/MR that report initial ideas and preliminary evaluations of ongoing research or an ongoing effort into an applied problem.
5) Workshop of XR Experiences (WXE): a track focused on works in VR/AR/MR that showcase innovative interactive technologies (live demonstration at the conference is required).
Outstanding works published in the SBC OpenLib will be invited to submit extended versions to a special section in the SBC Journal on Interactive Systems after the conference.
Submission Process
Submissions must follow the SBC paper template and should be written in English or Portuguese.
Authors’ names and affiliations should NOT be removed from the submitted manuscript. The electronic manuscript must be submitted in the Portable Document Format (PDF file). We encourage authors to submit supporting video material in addition to the PDF submission.
WXE submission must include supporting video material.
CTD submissions must submit the full text of the thesis/dissertation and their certificate or minute of defense in PDF as supplementary material.
Camera-ready Submissions
The final version of your paper must be submitted with the signed Copyright Form.
Accepted works must be presented in the SVR Workshops poster session. CTD, WTD, and WUW posters must be presented by the student author. Live demonstrations during poster presentations are welcome (and are mandatory for WXE works). More information about poster presentations will be sent to the authors of accepted posters.
Workshops Chairs
Rafael Rieder
Universidade de Passo Fundo, Brazil
Fabiana Peres
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná, Brazil
Rafael Roberto
University of Bath, UK