SENAI CIMATEC is an innovation, research and educational center. Recognized as one of the best universities in the country, the institution connects environment, technology, innovations and sustainability through labs, development and research centers. The Supercomputing Center and the QuINN (Quantic technology Center) are examples of the organization’s computational power and the capability of developing technology, making it a key player in shaping Brazil’s industrial future.  

The University has national and international partners (like Embraer, Shell, Ford), which allows students and researchers to participate in exchange programs all around the world. The Institution’s partnerships with other universities and top corporations amplifies its capacity to create impactful projects, establishing an enterprising and creative environment.  

The recognition of SENAI CIMATEC as an competent institution opened the doors, allowing the University to host conferences, symposiums and academic and technologicals events, ensuring the discussion of market tendencies and innovation in diverse scopes to happen in their campus. 

Address: Av. Orlando Gomes, 1845 – Piatã, Salvador – BA, 41650-010

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